Threat to Cause Harm – 2nd Notification

The child expressed it.

Tips for Conversation

1. Inform your child that you were notified again that they had used threatening language during gaming.

2. Tell your child that you understand that in video games, gamers are using threatening comments as part of how they play, but if their comments include threats and insults that cause harm, it crosses the line. “For example- “I will cut you if you come close to me”.

3. Explain that other gamers may feel scared and upset because of these comments, and may leave the game.

4. You can discuss it with them and ask what they said. Show them why it sounds aggressive and hurtful.

5. Explain how kids use threats because they want to feel strong, and help them to think about what they can say in this competitive game that will not be as harmful. For example: “show me what you got”, “I will beat you” (instead of direct threats or insults)

6. If it seems that your child uses this language when frustrated that they are losing, remind your child that it is just a game, and losing is part of any sport. Encourage them to play again and help them learn ways to improve their tactics (for example, watching a ‘walkthrough on youtube’).

7. Assess with your child whether this game is appropriate. Maybe this game makes them feel especially frustrated. You can advise them to stop playing it for a while.

Recommendations written by Kidas Experts.